








By David Tao


7:58pm En Route to Chengdu, China

It's been embarrassingly long ago since I wrote a
journal with the last one being nearly a year ago.
Much has transpired in the past year but sharing what
has past is somewhat pointless as I'd rather move on
and talk about the future and of things to come.

First and foremost, in the wake of the recent Sichuan
earthquake and cyclone disasters in Myanmar, 
I'd like to urge all of you to continue your prayers,
efforts and donations for the victims and their
families. It may appear that the worst is over
though, in fact, the most arduous and difficult tasks
of rebuilding have only just begun. We are a society
with a short memory and soon these tragic events will
be nothing more than just a chapter in history.
However, we must continue to remember that there are
people in the world less fortunate than us and still
very much in need of our aid and love. I firmly
believe that one person's love and efforts can bring
about change let alone a group of people united.
Let us all give and contribute what we can to those in
desperate need of our love and support.

The past year has been inundated with numerous shows
some of which have been part of the tour. The shows
have all been very successful thanks on major part to
all of your support. However, I've been quite
exhausted being “on the road” though the rewards
outweigh the hardships our entire team has gone
through. On behalf of the entire production crew, 
I would like to extend to you our deepest gratitude for
all your support and friendship. Playing music live
in front of an enthusiastic crowd is one of the
greatest joys in being a musician because nothing
beats that kind of direct interaction. Interestingly,
playing live also gives you an urge to go back into
the studio to create new music and vice versa.
Playing live allows you to hone your performance
skills on stage in real time in front of an often
times unforgiving audience. A live show could end
either in disaster or leave you feeling euphoric.
However, the process of producing an album alone in
the studio can be often lonely, depressing and
To create something from nothing is a
fascinating process but often times it's very
abstract and intangible. There's no formula to it
(or, rather, it shouldn't be formulaic) and you're
never guaranteed that the end result will amount to
anything spectacular. You could spend days on one
idea and still have it come out being not what you
intended it to be.
Or you could spend 10 minutes on
something and have it come out to be one of your best

I've begun work on the new album already and I'm
very excited about sharing this with you. Each time 
I embark on a new album, I always tell myself I'm
going to produce  "the"  album and the one album 
I've always wanted to make. You tell yourself you're
going to make the "ultimate" album but, in the end,
what does that mean anyway? Does that mean once 
youmake this album of album's you will retire as 
you've reached your final goal? To me, I frequently feel
that my previous works fall short of wha's to come
or what I had intended to do. It's that overachiever's
mentality in all of us, I guess.

The new album is taking shape slowly though I'm
still in the very early stages of song writing and
putting ideas together. This album will most likely
be the most conceptual of all my albums because
lately I've been preoccupied with a lot of things
revolving around a constant theme and idea. 
Concept albums are a thing of the past and most people
think of the 1970's when they hear that term. 
Albums now often appear to have a concept, however, 
it's usually more just hype and marketing strategy and
nothing more than just  "packaging". A concept album
is something more complex and encompassing than just
that and, in my opinion, should have an attitude and
a real sense of purpose.
In the past year, I've
observed and felt a lot of things that have permeated
my life which has filled me with a strong sense of
purpose to make this album. By no means do I
purposely try to make a  "concept" album but,
rather, it's something that dominates your being
and, thus, is reflected in everything you do.
You're probably wondering what this concept is that 
I'm talking about and how it will manifest itself in
an album and in the songs. I don't want to give
anything away just now because I'm still in the
early stages of planning and writing but what I can
share is that this will be a very experimental album
in its lyrics, song writing, themes and also
production. There are so many things I want to do
musically that I haven't done in the past and I hope
I can realize them in this upcoming album. I do worry
that I might lose many of you in this album because
it might come off as very  "un-David Tao"  but, in
actuality, it's going back to my roots. To be
honest, I have little interest in making an album
filled with chart topping singles and
karaoke-friendly hits. I'm more and more inclined
not to pay attention to the market, what's selling
and what the trends are. I want to make an album that
makes me happy and expresses what I feel though often
times that may mean losing your listeners. I know
there will always be the people out there who want me
to write songs over and over again like 天天 or 
愛很簡單. It's not that I'm unwilling to repeat myself
but rather that I'm in a different period of my life
in which I'm unable to write those kinds of songs
and express those kinds of emotions anymore.

(6/1/08 Chengdu back to Taipei)

I'm on the plane back from Chengdu sitting next to
Lee Hom. We've each had a very touching and powerful
experience witnessing the devastation of the
earthquake and meeting the survivors. For me, being
able to still see the smile on the faces of the
children is what truly touches me. That attests to
the strength and resilience of humanity but also to
the power of love. Lee Hom and I also got a chance to
talk about many things that are important in our
lives as this trip to Sichuan put many things in our
lives in better perspective. It's gratifying and
inspirational to hear another creative individual
share his passion, ideals and feelings about his work
and life. Lee Hom, I wish you the best as you are
truly one the most talented and hard working
individuals I know. I also wish you all the best in
this year filled with many trials and tribulations
some which have passed and many yet to come. 
Let us continue our prayers and in giving love to those in
need in the world.

Peace be upon us, DT


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