Who needs a ring more: LeBron James or Dirk Nowitzki?
By Bernie Miklasz St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MCT)
Published 29 May 2011 10:58 PM
Among current stars, LeBron James and Dirk Nowitzki are the two best NBA players to never
win an NBA championship. And that's what makes the Dallas-Miami NBA finals so compelling:
Who needs the ring more, LeBron or Dirk?
在現今的球星中,LeBron James 和 Dirk Nowitzki 兩個是NBA裡最好, 而還沒拿到總冠軍的球員。而這就
Both carry the psychological baggage of past postseason failures. Nowitzki and Dallas
advanced to the NBA finals in 2006, took a 2-0 series lead over Miami, then lost four consecutive
games. Nowitzki made only 38 percent of his shots in the four straight losses.
雙方都帶著在季後賽失敗的精神包袱,Dirk 和小牛在2006年打進總冠軍戰, 並且取得2:0的領先,但是接著
連敗四場。Dirk 在這四連敗中只有3成8的投籃命中率。
James led the Cleveland Cavaliers to the 2007 finals but got swept away in four games by San
Antonio. In the four games, James made only 35 percent of his shots from the floor and committed
23 turnovers. James was only 22 then, and getting back to the finals has taken longer than
James 和騎士則是在2007年打進總冠軍戰,但是卻被馬刺橫掃出局,在這四場比賽,James 投籃命中率
只有3成5,而且還發生了23次失誤。James 當時只有22歲, 而他回到總冠軍戰所花費的時間比預計的還
Each star suffered subsequent failures. Nowitzki played poorly in the first round of the 2007
Western Conference playoffs, and No. 1 seed Dallas was upset by No. 8 seed Golden State.
James and the Cavs were taken down in consecutive Eastern Conference finals by Orlando
(2009) and Boston (2010.) James wasn't exactly Spartacus in losing to Boston last year.
接著兩人都承受了突如其來的挫敗。Dirk 在2007年西區首輪季後賽糟糕的表現, 還有第一種子的小牛被第
八種子的勇士擊敗。而 James 和騎士在2009和2010年在東區決賽分別敗給魔術和塞爾提克。
(註:Spartacus 所領導的奴隸反抗羅馬共和國的運動,是西方歷史上最大規模的奴隸抗暴起義。
本段意指 James 在那些關鍵比賽中,拿不出「一夫當關」的好表現帶領球隊晉級)
The frustrating failure prompted James to defect from Cleveland and sign a free-agent
deal with Miami last summer. Though James famously announced he was "taking my
talents to South Beach," the move had nothing to do with the sun and the surf. James
needed help to win that elusive NBA championship, so he teamed with Dwyane Wade
and Chris Bosh.
令人沮喪的失敗促使得 James 從克里夫蘭叛逃,在去年夏天以自由球員身分和熱火簽約。儘管 James
著名地宣佈「帶著我的才能前進南沙灘」,而這決定是毫無前兆的。James 需要幫忙,來得到總冠軍,
所以他和 Dwyane Wade、Chris Bosh 組成同隊。
"Deep down in my heart, as much as I love my teammates in Cleveland, I knew I couldn't
do it by myself," James told reporters after Miami eliminated Boston in the second round.
「在我內心深處,是如此的愛著我在克里夫蘭的隊友, 我知道我一個人是做不到的。」 在第二輪擊敗塞爾
提克後,James 這樣告訴記者。
James told reporters that he regularly watches tapes of San Antonio's 2007 rout for extra
motivation. "I think about it all the time," he said.
James 告訴記者他經常看2007年敗給馬刺的影帶來激勵自己,「我一直都在惦記著這件事。」
Nowitzki hasn't watched the tapes of the collapse of 2006. "I think I would just be so sick
to my stomach," he told interviewer Dan Patrick. "But I still have a lot on my memory. I mean,
all sorts of stuff is still on my mind."
Dirk 則是沒有去看2006年的影帶,「我覺得我的胃可能會感到不舒服。」 他這麼告訴採訪員 Dan Patrick,
When the NBA finals get under way Tuesday night in Miami, James and Nowitzki will have
a chance to redefine themselves. There's a long list of exceptional players who retired
without winning an NBA championship ring. And it's safe to say that James and Nowitzki
have no desire to join a club that includes Karl Malone, Elgin Baylor, Charles Barkley,
John Stockton, Reggie Miller, Patrick Ewing and Dominique Wilkins.
當禮拜三總冠軍賽在邁阿密進行時,James 和 Dirk 都會有機會給自己重新下定義。在NBA裡有個很特別的
球員名單,就是在退休後仍然沒拿到一枚冠軍戒指的球員名單,很肯定的是 James 和 Dirk 都不想要加入
這個有 Karl Malone、Elgin Baylor、Charles Barkley、John Stockton、Reggie Miller、Patrick
Ewing 和 Dominique Wilkins 等人的行列。
James and Nowitzki have brought urgency and hunger to the 2011 postseason. They've
been the best two players in the playoffs, locked into the attack mode, repeatedly hitting
tough shots and making plays with games on the line.
James 和 Dirk 都帶著迫切和飢餓來到2011年的季後賽,他們兩個一直都是季後賽裡最好的球員,鎖定好
目標進入攻擊模式 ,不斷的在一連串的比賽中投進高難度的球,還有Play。
Nowitzki, the dexterous 7-footer, has buried opponents with soft outside jumpers and
tenacious play near the basket to draw fouls. He's averaging 28.4 points and shooting 52
percent. In addition to averaging 26 points, James has keyed a tremendous Miami defensive
effort that smothered quality playoff opponents such as Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen
and Derrick Rose.
Dirk,靈巧的七呎高個子,擁有足以埋葬對手的柔軟外圍跳投, 還有靠近籃框用堅韌的打法賺取犯規,他
平均28.4分,投籃命中率5成2。而 James 除了平均26分外,還在熱火的防守中展現出極好的成果, 他
壓制了像是 Paul Pierce、Kevin Garnett、Ray Allen 和 Derrick Rose 等季後賽傑出的對手。
James and Nowitzki are clearly ready for this moment.
James 和 Dirk 的準備很明確的都是為了這一刻。
So let's return to the central question: Who needs this championship more?
If age is the top consideration, then there's certainly more pressure on Nowitzki. He's
32 and a veteran of 13 NBA seasons. James is only 26 and in the prime of his career.
He has time on his side.
如果年紀是首要考慮因素,那很明顯的對 Dirk 來說會有更多的壓力, 他已經32歲了,而且在NBA打了
13年。James 只有26歲,而且正值巔峰期,他還有很多時間。
That said, I believe there's considerably more pressure on James for these five reasons:
1) James is the best player in the league, the self-proclaimed "King" James. And by the
time he's done, James may rate among the most elite players in NBA history. A king is
expected to rule, especially after shopping for better teammates to enhance his title
chances. An all-time great player is supposed to collect rings.
James 是聯盟最棒的球員,自稱為「King」James。 而這是他得到總冠軍的時候了,James 可能是NBA
歷史中最好的球員之一,一國之王理應統治天下, 特別是在為了得到更好的隊友提高奪冠機率而為的商業活動
之後(指他前進邁阿密), 一個全明星球員應該拿到冠軍戒的。
2) There's even more pressure on James to deliver now that Scottie Pippen, the retired
Chicago Bull, ludicrously suggested that James could supplant Michael Jordan as the
greatest player in NBA history. Pippen later backed off the comment, but the damage
was done. Pippen didn't do James any favors. With Pippen as a teammate, Jordan won
six NBA championships in Chicago and was a great scorer and defender. Shouldn't we
wait for James to win at least one title before elevating him to Jordan's air? If Miami loses
to Dallas, James will be subjected to even more ridicule because of the idiotic Jordan comparison.
現在甚至有更多的壓力在 James 身上得去解放,在公牛退休的 Scottie Pippen 荒唐地提議說 James 可以
取代 Michael Jordan 成為NBA史上最佳的球員。 雖然 Pippen 在稍後緩和了他的言論,但是傷害已經造成,
Pippen 這樣做對 James 毫無益處。身為在芝加哥拿下六枚冠軍戒的 Jordan 的隊友,還是個偉大的得分和
防守球員, 難道我們不應該等到 James 至少拿到一枚冠軍戒時再拿他來和 Jordan 相提並論?如果邁阿密輸
給達拉斯,James 將會受到更多的嘲笑,就只是因為這如此白痴的比喻。
3) While James opted for the free-agent market to form a super-group band with Wade
and Bosh, Nowitzki has patiently stayed in Dallas, working with a changing cast of teammates,
comfortable with putting his career in the hands of one organization. Winning a championship
would be an exhilarating cap to a brilliant, 10-time All-Star career; it's not as if Nowitzki will be
seriously downgraded in history if he doesn't get it done.
當 James 選擇進入自由市場,和 Wade、Bosh 組成超級天團時,Dirk 仍有耐心地留在達拉斯,和不斷在
更換的隊友努力,在職業生涯中只待過的一支球隊裡。 贏得總冠軍會是個令人振奮的至高榮耀,生涯10次的
全明星球員,如果 Dirk 沒拿到冠軍, 他的地位似乎也不會在NBA歷史中有所貶低。
4) James took a huge hit in his popularity with his callous exit from Cleveland. According to the
Q Score Company, which runs polls to gauge a celebrity's popularity, James was the sixth-most
disliked sports personality in the summer of 2010 — behind Michael Vick, Tiger Woods, Terrell
Owens, Chad Ochocinco and Kobe Bryant. Not much has changed. In an updated ESPN survey,
James was named as the favorite NBA player by 4.5 percent of respondents. In April 2010, James
was the favorite of 9 percent of the respondents, so that's a 50 percent drop in a year.
James 冷酷無情的離開對他的聲望造成很大的打擊, 根據 Q Score Company 用投票去衡量一個名人的
聲望,James 是2010年排名第六位最不受喜歡的運動員,僅僅在 Michael Vick、Tiger Woods、Terrell
Owens、Chad Ochocinco 和 Kobe Bryant 之後。 而在 ESPN 最新的調查裡也沒有太多的改變, NBA
最喜歡的球員裡,有4.5%是選擇 James,這項數據在2010年4月可是9%,在一年之內足足掉了50%之多。
5) Outside of South Florida, fans want to see James and Miami lose, and the Heat players know it.
"We have about a month left of the hate," James told reporters after the Heat eliminated Chicago.
Winning, and lots of it, is the only way for James and the Heat to raise their popularity. This is a
bandwagon sports culture.
在南佛羅里達州外的球迷,想看到 James 和熱火輸球,而熱火球迷知道這件事。在擊敗公牛之後,James
告訴記者「我們還有一個月的時間要被仇恨。」勝利,還有很多的勝利,對 James 還有熱火來說,是提高
It's been said many times that America loves a winner.
And fans won't warm up to James unless he wins a championship.